Get your presence online for less.

Got a question? Check out our cPanel users manual for answers to detailed questions about operating your domain. Or for quick reference, here are answers to some of the most common questions.
Still can't find the answer? Contact us with your question!

 ~ Getting a Domain ~

1. I'm new to the web. What do I need to have a web site, and how do the pieces fit together?
There are three basic components you need to have a web site. We are pleased to be able to offer any or all of them:
1) You need to have the pages. The stuff that people are going to look at. This is commonly called 'web design' or 'site creation' by those who offer such services.
2) You need to have a 'host'. A host is somebody who has a special type of computer that is linked to the internet in such a way that it can offer your pages for anyone to look at. Having your computer connected to the internet won't do that--it gets stuff from the internet but it doesn't have the ability to show the pages in your computer to everyone.
3) You need to have a name: some place people type into their browser to locate you. It's like your home address, called a 'domain' on the internet. There are two different levels you can go to here. If you own your own domain, such as, you just need to hire a 'host' to house it for you. The other option is a sub-domain where you are attached to a domain someone else owns, such as
3A) If you want to use a sub-domain you don't need to concern yourself with purchasing a domain name but if you want your own you have to buy it from a domain name seller. First you must check and make sure the domain name you want is available, then you buy it.

2. How do I get a domain name?
Just go into our domains site at There you can select your domain name and choose how many years you with to purchase it for along with a few other options.
At the time of purchase you the DNS servers for our servers will automatically be set so don't need to be changed.

3. I want to remain anonymous so that nobody can look up my identity on the 'whois' domain registry list. Can you help?
There are two ways you can do this:
1) Purchase a domain as normal by clicking on the Get Your Domain button and go through the process of selecting and purchasing your domain name. After you have selected the name you wish to purchase you will be asked if you would like a 'Private Registration' for an extra $14 per year. This will give you the complete registration but in all 'WhoIs' directory listings (including our own) it will show up as being listed in proxy and not show any of your information.
2) Upon request we will purchase domains in our name for your use. To do this you must first go to our domain registry and make sure the domain name you want is available. Second, email us stating the domain name you want us to purchase, and for goodness sake don't spell it wrong in your email to us! This is a completely unreversible service.

4. I already own a domain I bought elsewhere. Can I get hosting with you?
Certainly. All you need to do is transfer your domain to our servers. You merely need to get the DNS records set to our servers (see #B1 below). Note that it will still be registered with the people you bought it with, but changing the DNS records 'points' the domain to our servers for hosting.

5. I bought my domain elsewhere and it cost more than what you charge. Can I switch the registration to you?
Yes you can. Each domain registrar has different procedures for how to make the transfer. The easiest way to start the process is to go to our transfer requester on the domain control page. It's a quick process that takes less than one minute. From there we instantly submit the request and you'll get an email at the email address you have under the domain registration asking if you approve of the domain transfer request that has been made.

 ~ Setting Up Your Domain ~

1. What are the DNS servers my domain needs to point to?
You need the following two:
  Primary Nameserver: <- this is what you type
  Primary NetAddress: <- the computer sets this
  Secondary Nameserver: <-this is what you type
  Secondary NetAddress:
<-the computer sets this
When setting your nameservers it doesn't matter how you mix CaPs and LowER CaSE. While many places on the internet are sensitive to this, here it doesn't matter and the domain registry will alter it to the case it desires.

2. When I transfer my domain (change the DNS records) to your server how long until it works?
If it is already working, please contact us before you make the transfer request and we can take steps to help ensure the process is invisible--web site visitors will never see it as 'down'.
If you don't contact us first, or if the domain isn't currently working the answer to that question is uncertain because it depends on how fast it is resolved (how fast the information spreads around the world). Usually about 12 hours, but sometimes up to 24. But then your domain is just BLANK--you need to log in and upload the pages.

3. Is there a way I can make sure and get the pages uploaded quick?
Yes, but only if you are using FTP to upload. You can ftp your site immediately, using our IP ( instead of your domain name and your FTP username and password. You can not use Front Page or another upload service program to do this as they are not able to read IP addresses properly.

4. Can I see what the pages look like right away?
Yes. Just use ype in the following web address using your domain name in place of where we have ''::
username should be the username we provided you for your FTP use.

5. Can I still use Front Page to upload my domain?
You may, but you must wait the 12-24 hours until the domain has resolved. You can not use the information in #3 and #4 above.

6. Into which directory do I upload the HTML and image files?
You want to place them in /public_html/.

7. What are 'home' pages?
A home page is the page your site first opens when typing in your domain. For example, if you type in it will pick up the home page, where as if you type in it will bypass the home page and go directly to 'this-page'.
The following files are automatically detected as home pages -- in that order:
index.html index.htm index.php index.php4 index.php3 index.shtml index.asp home.html home.htm home.php home.php4 home.php3 home.asp index.htm default.htm default.php default.php4 default.php3 default.asp
Unless you are an advanced web programmer all your files will be either .htm or .html

8. I've uploaded my web site but when I type in my domain name I still get the default placeholder page.
Make sure you have uploaded to the correct /public_html/ folder (and not any other folder). In 99% of all cases the misplacing of files is the problem. If you have confirmed that your web site was uploaded to the correct /public_html/ folder, then check to see if the default placeholder page (index.html) is still in place. If so, you need to either remove or overwrite it.

 ~ Using Front Page ~

1. When I publish my site, none of the Front Page extensions work.
Be sure you publish your site using the Front Page Web Publisher without ever using FTP. Front Page extensions are corrupted by the use of FTP and make them unusable.

2. When I publish with Front Page98, it places the files into the wrong directory, the root directory of my account.
We have encountered this problem on several occasions, and it has been traced to a problem with the way Front Page98 searches for the root web and publishes files under certain configurations. The only solution is to upgrade to Front Page2000 or 2002 which will solve the problem completely.

3. I get an error message when trying to publish to my domain account with Front Page 2000 or 2002.
Make sure you connect to and not to (the "httpdocs" directory is the default in Front Page anyway). Make sure you have the www. prefix in the domain name.

 ~ Email Use ~

1. How do I access my web mail account?
In your web browser just to go There you can type in your username and your email password. Note that these are not the same as your domain user name and password. For example if your email is then your username is 'bob'. Your password is whatever has been assigned in your control panel, which in the initial set-up would be the same as your domain password though you can alter it.

2. How do I change my password?
If you are a domain owner you can do that through your domain control panel, access able at

3. How can I get the email in my computer's email program?
You can do this by setting up a new email account in the program. It should walk you through the process. Here are the basic information you'll need:
Mail Server: or
SMTP: or
Username: <Your e-mail username for this e-mail account>
Password: <Your e-mail password for this e-mail account>

4. How do I set up features like mail forwarding, auto responders, and email groups?
Domain owners, please read the sections in our users manual which give detailed descriptions of each. Sub-domain users do not have ability to use these functions.

5. I already know hot to get the email in my computer's email program. All I need to know are the incoming smtp/outgoing smtp servers, please.
Your incoming mail (POP3) should be set to:
Your outgoing mail (SMTP) address should be obtained from the same company who provides your internet access: the company you pay the bill to each month to be connected to the internet.

6. Is it possible for me to download my email from horde or squirrell, yet leave a copy of it there for later reference?
Yes. After you've set up your send/receive in your email program, then go back and enter the set-up of that file. (In Internet Explorder that's at Tools/Accounts, then double-click on the account you want to edit.) You have to do it as a separate step because the option isn't in the original set-up, but is in the folder after it has been created. Go to the Advanced tab, and there check the box "Leave a copy of mesasegs on server". Remember, however, you don't want to leave email on the server indefinitely as it does eat up your disk space.

 ~ cPanel Control ~

1. How do I access the control panel for my domain?
It can be reached at The control panel login and password are exactly the same as were given to you for FTP.

2. I went to but all I get is a blank page with nothing on it!
This is rare since usually the server is able to deal with this problem itself. But in rare instances if you have disabled the 'www', the cPanel can be reached only if you type in its address without the www and will not work with it.

3. What is the path to . . .
Go to your cpanel and on the left side you'll find notes of paths to various functions.

 ~ Security ~

1. What kind of security does the server have?
The anti-virus program OdeiAvir is installed and auto-updates itself every 24 hours with the latest virus database. This program detects any known computer virus that is attached to an incoming message and deletes the infected message immediately.

2. Is there any SPAM protection?
MAPS Spam protection software is installed on the server accessing's anti-spam database. You can access it through your cPanel. There is no way of completely eliminating spam but it will help reduce the amount of spam you would otherwise receive.

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